Sunday, March 29, 2009

Melon tours California Desert

Hundreds of commercial aircraft litter the California desert. If they don't fly they don't need parts. Do you see the pink flower among the desert sunflowers?
Melon worshipping before Red Cathedral in Golden Canyon
In the Devil's Cornfield we actually found...
This is nice to know but would be even nicer to know if the sea were close by!


Lincoln said...

Nate,what are you doing behind the cornstalks. Werdi place that Death Valley dont you think? That pic on my site of teakettle jct. and the flat land where the rock is blown across during wet weather and wind is in the north section.

Lincoln said...

I've been trying to figure out how to do a slide show like your site but I can't figure it out. Help me!

Seagull Dream said...

oh. cute husband wife trip.