Monday, March 8, 2010

Zen, Pirsig, Monson, and Melon

Robert Pirsig in his book of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance defined "quality" as that instant of being (in the moment), not looking forward nor looking back. Yesterday in Priesthood meeting Thomas Monson was quoted, and like Robert Pirsig, he defines the quality of life in the journey...
Whether you're feeling Melon(choly)... "If you have children who are grown and gone, in all likelihood you have occasionally felt pangs of loss and the recognition that you didn’t appreciate that time of life as much as you should have. Of course, there is no going back, but only forward. Rather than dwelling on the past, we should make the most of today, of the here and now, doing all we can to provide pleasant memories for the future."

Or whether you're feeling parsi(melon)ious..."If you are still in the process of raising children, be aware that the tiny fingerprints that show up on almost every newly cleaned surface, the toys scattered about the house, the piles and piles of laundry to be tackled will disappear all too soon and that you will—to your surprise—miss them profoundly."


Ashlie Dalton said...

i remember listening to monson saying that during last conference (or was it the conference before??) and since then i have thought of that several times. i never clean the prints off my fridge w/o thinking of that too.

Seagull Dream said...

don't worry. I will be home soon, and you can clean up after me all you want.

Myrle Dalton said...

Yep! I can identify with all that! And, then it goes to the next step, and that is even less fun! Luvmom

Canyon P said...

nice thoughts. But why did you decide to put that picture of me on there? yuck