Sunday, January 23, 2011

DC Melon

Last week I found myself in DC at an industry trade association for which I am a board member.  It was very cold but the trip was easy and without stress.  Work has become very ambiguous and I find myself looking inward at the company more than outward to the customers.  This is a bad thing, but a thing that happens all too often.  Anyway, while in DC I stopped by the Air and Space Museum on the Mall.  While I was pondering this old 20 something cylinder radial behemoth I saw myself in it.  Can you find me?

Another of the interesting moments was when I was looking at the Air - Sea exhibit I saw the USS Enterprise aircraft carrier.  This is the ship that Ben is on right now heading to the Persian Gulf.  I wonder what that is like?

This strange little airplane was in the Great War Exhibit (a new one worth seeing).  The Germans apparently figured out how to shoot large caliber bullets out the front of the airplane without destroying the propeller (by a shaft that synchronises the shots with the prop revolution), but we (US, Brits, French, etc.) first just put the engine in the back so you could shoot out the front.

Some of the exhibits are getting very old there.  But, some are new and very interesting.  Some new exhibits about beyond earth, telescopes, and the digital age made the traditional notion of just flying around in our atmosphere and blasting to the moon as "air and space"  quite antiquated.


Myrle Dalton said...

Very interesting! You have had a lot of wonderful experiences. Luvmom

s@d said...

Found you.