Sunday, February 19, 2012

Melon's momentary solitary place

Here are a dozen roses that had a day of glory but now sit alone in Lehi -- sad and drooping among various planetary configurations, pictures of Cole, Max, Vince, Clint, Cassie, Hayley, Shauna...

I can only imagine the humble life that Hermana Mancera lived in Venezuela before joining her parents in Spain when she was 18 years old.  Probably quite different than the life that Hayley led in the United States of  America.  Hma. Mancera's baptismal story at the age of 15 is quite moving and garners a lot of attention, so much so that Hayley wanted to remember her baptism a little better.  I sent what I could find.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Old Valentine

See these cute girls and their valentine night gowns? 

Valentine's day is just around the corner.  Ground Hog day is over and has been celebrated.  It is raining and has been a big weekend for visiting with the younger generation.  Logan and Kayla Bean came to stay along with Holly and her fiancee Jacob.  These along with the more familiar Cole, Max, Bo, and Vince came over with their parents as well.  The weather has been rather Springlike so we'll see if the patched hole in the foundation holds.  The Bean-clan was pleasant enough to have around.  Jacob wanted to see some of Logan's creations so we watched some of these -- he's quite clever with the video.  His friend Chris, who stars in most of them, adds quite a bit of charm.

Shauna and Grandma Dalton got along swimmingly.  I think I see the connection now as Shauna relates to the youngest generation.  A taste for popular culture shared among generations can prevent stodgy walls of dogma from being erected.  Shauna laughs at things that kids laugh at, simply, instinctively.  Her iTunes is filled with stuff Hayley turned her on to.  She reads popular books, watches popular movies, TV.  Having so much youth around keeps the air filled with spontaneity and a lust for life well-lived. It is simple but very elusive for many.  Happy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Huntington Tours

Took a weekend in So. Calif.  Went to beach, careful to read the rules of the beach before surfing.

Found the Huntington Beach logo and an authentic HB surfer.

Two skateboarders were were warned by this guy about where you can and can't skateboard.

The Anaheim Supercross, later in the evening, did not disappoint!

The Newport Beach Temple (along with this Grand Dame) is beautiful.